Monday, June 15, 2009

Festival of the Bluegrass No. 36

My shoulders and nose are tinged with pink. I can't seem to wash off the grime of being outdoors for a week. And my feet, the tops of which resemble the tops of my sandals, are killing me.

The 36th Annual Festival of the Bluegrass was, I think I can say, a success. This year was very, very different for Roy and I as we were much more involved in the pre-planning. As I like to put it, we worked so hard we weren't even on the work schedule. As you'll see from the pictures to follow, there are none of camp because we were almost never there. By the time we arrived Saturday night to walk to our familiar spots - the Wireman camp, into Hippiehill (our camp), through Wooville, up to the Heathens and into the Ragheads - it was 2AM, we stumbled from exhaustion running only on adreneline, and the camera was the last thing on my mind.

Still, there were some real gems in this weekend. Here are some highlights.

We did some early promotion at the Southland Jamboree. Sophie was quick to leave with two of her favorite people.
From Festival 2009

We were plagued with rain Monday through Thursday. Sophie didn't seem to mind.
From Festival 2009

Life is just more fun when Bret's around.
From Festival 2009

From Festival 2009

Lots of family.
From Festival 2009

A killer open stage.
From Festival 2009

And the main acts weren't to shabby either.
From Festival 2009

There was ice cream a'plenty
From Festival 2009

and our annual Sophie picture on stage.
From Festival 2009

This was a good year and now begins the planning for 2010. June 10-13. Want to come? Shoot me an email. I won't even put you to work... this year.


kclblogs said...

wow, is she ever growing up. and what a childhood she's having. one day i'd love to make it to your festival!

Strangeite said...

Aren't I supposed to be recovered by this point?