Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I'm sort of an information junky. I'm not as bad as Roy, but our collection of Reference books is pretty impressive. So when Roy spotted a back tooth coming out of Sophie's gums, I rushed to the bookshelf. A BACK TOOTH? Before she has her first 4, bottom front teeth!? Inconceivable! But my eyes did not lie and my book did say that sometimes teeth do come in out of order.

This child... she doesn't walk or stand without help. She shows no signs of a mama or dada. I can give her a bowl of cheerios, raisins, and goldfish and she will sit for 20 minutes meticulously picking out which things she wants to eat, she no longer has interest in food that is cut up - she wants the WHOLE grilled cheese, in hand, so she can take her own delicate bites.

There is no Reference book in the world that can tell me what Sophie will do next and that is why she amazes me.


kclblogs said...

this is one of the biggest lessons i've learned in parenting. . . the idiosincracy of it all. our kids don't fit in the boxes provided by the baby books, and we don't as parents, either. a parenting style that works for one family may be disaster for another. a developmental milestone of one kid by be entirely different for another. i do have my opinions about parenting issues, but the only thing i know for sure is that each parent and each child has to find their own way that suits them best.

way to pave your own path, sophie!

kristin said...

oh, sweet baby.

i have learned that i can find a stack of books to back anything i want (or don't want!) to believe...oh, how this was hard when i just wanted to know the RIGHT one...

she looks like life is going right for her...

Karin said...

We were all in SD last weekend. I saw J & S at South and Abram and I were in the nursery with Ella for a while. If they are really all coming out for a visit maybe you can take photos of Ella and post them since I can't persuade her parents to do so! :) What a blast to all be together!!