Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is there rehab for Clinton supporters?

Yesterday, I was at work, filling my coffee cup with what passes for coffee, when one of my coworkers - and only really vocal Republican at the Library - asked me, "So, how do you feel about the Clinton's these days?" Without considering the vulnerable position I was putting myself in against my political nemesis, I said, "THEY LIE!! They're outright LYING about what Barack Obama is saying and then look at the camera and say, 'I'm not making this up', except the are!" My rant continued and the proud, smug look on this Republican's face continued to spread.

I am specifically talking about this:

OBAMA: "The Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last 10, 15 years."

BILL CLINTON: "Her principal opponent (Obama) said that since 1992, the Republicans have had all the good ideas. It goes along with their plan to ask Republicans to become Democrats for a day and caucus with you tomorrow, and then go back and become Republicans so they can participate in the Republican primary. I'm not making this up, folks."

Uh, yes Bill. You are.

I thought about it all day, and throughout the night as well, and frankly, I'm even more pissed off than I was yesterday! I loved Bill Clinton and I am not too proud to admit it. Maybe I was taken by his charm, but he was a great president and I was so pleased to see the work he was doing after his term. But now? Seeing him on the campaign trail? I really believe that he and Hillary will stop at nothing to win this election. And that includes outright, blatant lying.

I have lived through nearly 8 years of lies. As a result, thousands of people have died. Hundreds - maybe thousands - of people have been tortured. Phone calls have been tapped. Civil liberties have dissolved. I'm sick of it. I am a citizen of the United States of America and I demand greater accountability from my elected officials.

One of the most frustrating thing about this whole damn situation is that I live in Kentucky, where the primary is held second to last in the country. My vote doesn't count. I have absolutely NO SAY in whether we will elect hope or lies. All I can do is pray that hope wins because if we have another term of lies, I'm not sure our country and its democracy will survive.


Nikki said...

Ok can I just say I was gonna write a blog along these same lines. Mine was going to be about the stupid mud slinging that's already going on. This whole Obama is associated with a slum lord in Chicago and Hilary is on the board for Walmart. I HATE HATE HATE mud slinging. It's childish and it makes everyone look bad. It reminds me of the people in high school that use to gossip just to do it. Just to make themselves look good and the other person look bad. Now I don't know anything about this slum lord association but I do know I despise Walmart so therefor, it just adds to my dislike of Mrs. Clinton. I really hope for our country's sake, she's not our next president. I've got to let you watch Sicko. It talks about these massive kickbacks she got from big healthcare companies to keep her mouth shut and to not push for universal healthcare. Ugh, I need a drink now...

Rae said...

I could not echo your post more. I've always been an Obama supporter, but in the beginning, in the back of my mind, I thought "well, Hillary wouldn't be so bad." But the past few months have turned me, squarely, against The Clintons (and yes, it is the Clintons. Fair or not, they are BOTH running for president, and we will have to deal with them BOTH if they are elected.)
The absolutely dispicable display of political wranglings I have seen from the Clintons literally make me sick.
And THIS is just one of the many reasons, why I have supported Obama since the beginning. Hillary is hated by large portions of America. Fair or not, it is the truth. She is a divisive figure, not a uniting one, no many how many times she uses the word "unite" on the campaign trail. (Just like Bush, saying WMD 935 times doesn't make it true that Iraq had them. Facts still matter.)
I struggle with WANTING to like her, just because she is a strong woman. (Somewhere between reading Betty Frieden and "The Beauty Myth" by Naomi Wolf, I felt like it would be a great day when a woman could be considered a front-runner for the presidency.) But she still represents everything that is wrong with this country -- and especially everything that has been wrong for the last 8 years. The truth is, whether Bill was a good president or not, The Clintons ARE political beings -- they will do anything and everything to get elected. And THAT is what is wrong with them. I cannot and will not EVER subscribe to the "ends justify the means" argument.
I am passionate about this. I cry watching Nightly News and during political debates. I get shivers down my spine when I hear Barack speak. I get a sinking pit in my stomach every time Hillary pulls ahead in the polls.
And I WILL NOT be bullied into supporting a woman because she is a woman, or a black man just because he is black. This isn't (despite what the cable networks say) about race or gender. This is about WHO is the right person to lead our country. And every day I am more and more secure in my belief that Barack is the one.
And I WILL be attending The KS Caucus on Super Tuesday. I will take my two children (and hopefully my husband, if he's not working.) Owen has long known about Barack. (And we have sat together at the computer, watching his speeches for months now. He's just as excited about him as I am.) And Lauryn is figuring it out too... just this evening she overheard a campaign story on Nightly News while I was cooking in the Kitchen. "Are they talking about President Barack Obama,Mommy?" I hope so, honey. I really hope so.

Rae said...

Thanks, by the way, you inspired me to blog about these politics.

Claire said...

To be perfectly honest, I'm not in love with ANY of the candidates. Yes, the idea of Obama is refreshing being that he's not overly tarnished by political gunk and won't be a puppet like W, but he's not perfect either (sorry... I don't mean to start a debate, here). Yes, mud-slinging is immature and it pisses me off, too. Politics is dirty, plain and simple. It really gets in the way of what really needs to be done and there's plenty to do, we all know that. No candidate is perfectly clean. Hillary is a good politician--she plays the cards to get the vote and that in itself is a reason why I'm not voting for her. Obama, perhaps, but he has work to do in convincing me in a few areas, mainly education and the environment... some pretty hefty things to think about in my book.

Life and times of a single mother said...

To be honest...I hate mud slinging. Clinton and Obama are being terrible to each other. As far as a Democrat goes I hope Edwards wipes out Obama and Clinton. I hate all the negativity.

I hate talking religion and politics with friends.

Life and times of a single mother said...

Okay Anna I'm sorry if that sounded bitchy. I just hate all the lying and back stabbing going on. I can't wait until the election is over. Anna you are extremely well spoken and i enjoy your blogs.

Strangeite said...

But if I don't talk about religion or politics, what am I supposed to talk about? Are there other subjects?

Seriously, I am so confused.

AnnaMarie said...

I agree, all of the mudslinging is awful. Edwards might pull this one off, depending on how everything goes with the economy and the Obama/Clinton face off. Claire, I do like Obama because I think he's saying something different and I honestly trust him. That might be VERY naive, but I do believe he has our best interests at heart.

Traci, you don't like debating religion and politics with friends!?! They're my two favorite topics!!

Life and times of a single mother said...

Anna and Roy you guys are too funny. I nice friendly conversation or debate is fine...I'm all for that but some people think there view is the only view and if you don't share that view with them they get all pissy. Now I have never debated with either of you but JF and have great good natured friendly conversations about politics...which I love because I am so on the border.

J. Stephen Waltner said...

I've been an Edwards man from Day 1, and I think he might emerge from this whole thing as the Dems guy. I can't help but think of the South Dakota governors race in 2000 (I think), when two guys named Barnett and Kirby went after each other like pit bulls. A guy that nobody knew about named Mike Rounds flew under the radar the whole time, and in the end came out on top. Hillary and Obama better watch their backs.

AnnaMarie said...

Dad and I just had that same conversation and we came to the conclusion that Edwards getting the nomination is NOT a worst case scenario.

Strangeite said...

I would be pleased as punch if the above Edwards scenario played out, but I am afraid that you are being naive. Super Duper Tuesday is less than two weeks away and I am afraid that Edwards will not have the momentum nor money to make a large splash by then. And unfortunately over 2/3 of all outstanding Democratic delegates will be selected by that time. The numbers just won't add up for Edwards. Best case scenario is that he is able to garner enough delegates to play King maker and throw his delegates and support towards Obama almost immediately after Super Duper Tuesday, effectively ending the nomination process before too much blood is shed.

Life and times of a single mother said...

Can you believe Edwards dropped out!!!!!!!!Okay Roy you were right.