Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I love this week's horoscope

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Writing in the *San Francisco Chronicle,*columnist Jon Carroll described the behavior of certain young spiders in the Sacramento Delta. When one of these "spiderlings" is ready to leave its birthplace and go in search of adventure, it spins out a long gossamer strand, climbs aboard, and leaps into the unknown. Floating in mid-air, it's carried by the wind to who-knows-where, eventually landing in its new homeland. While I'm normally a big advocate of having goals and making plans, this is one of those rare times when I advise you to act more like
the spiderlings.



Rachel said...

oh, so Charlotte's Web...

beinmyOWNself said...

i just really like the word "spiderling" it makes them sound so cute

Leigh said...

That is so great! I love that.