Thursday, August 30, 2007

While the north has been drenched in rain, Kentucky is listed in a Severe Drought. Even I feel parched. I don't think there is a more beautiful sight - a more holy site - than rain after weeks of energy-draining heat. Even the grasses and trees rejoice in thanks.
Thursday is my day off from work so I get to do things I love. Like sing and play.
and feed Sophie mashed potatoes. (If anyone is curious about how those potatoes ended up around her nostril, she has recently learned to fine art of nose picking.)
And I can finally go through the pictures of Sophie and Riley.
This afternoon Sophie and I (and Roy, hopefully!) are going to meet our friend Bret at Evan's Orchard to enjoy the summer bounty, the cooler temps, and the plants, animals, and humans celebrating the 2" we got overnight and this morning.


Jen said...

Oh, the glories of a DAY OFF! I get mine tomorrow.....can't wait!

Jen CD

Nikki said...

aww, I love the pics! she is getting more and more cute each time I see her!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna Marie! I've been checking out your blog for quite a while and must finally leave a comment. Sophie is adorable! It's fun to peek in on your life. I'm wondering when I might meet Sophie....Schmeckfest??!?

kclblogs said...

great images!! i, too, have felt the extreme relief from a couple measely thunderstorms. it feels strange to be so relieved, when my parents (and many others) have experienced such devastation from the flooding! confusing. . .

Rachel said...

Hey there...I 've been lurking here for a bit, but am always too frusterated having to peck out comments one-handed (I'm always nursing!), but, here I am, taking a break, and I wanted to tell you that I LOVE the picture of you singing to your babe--so very, very sweet.

Rachel said...

Hey there...I 've been lurking here for a bit, but am always too frusterated having to peck out comments one-handed (I'm always nursing!), but, here I am, taking a break, and I wanted to tell you that I LOVE the picture of you singing to your babe--so very, very sweet.